06 Jan 20 | Business, Business planning, Making Tax Digital
If you’ve ever found yourself mindlessly scrolling through your social media accounts, or browsing online shops without any particular plan to buy anything, you might think that today’s technology takes up more of your time than it saves. But despite all those...
03 Dec 19 | Business planning
Most small business owners know that maintaining a healthy cashflow is important to stay afloat, but it’s not always easy to spot the problems before they turn into something bigger. Failure to spot these issues makes them harder to manage and more dangerous to your...
12 Apr 19 | Business planning
For people selling a business, entrepreneurs’ relief can reduce the amount of capital gains tax (CGT) that has to be paid on any profit made from the sale. According to Government figures, the relief is taken up by around 50,000 individuals every year, with the...
05 Mar 19 | Business planning
Since the start of the year, businesses have seen a boost to the amount they can invest in plant and machinery, thanks to a temporary increase to the Annual Investment Allowance (AIA). This was announced in Budget 2018, and meant that the AIA increased from £200,000...
31 Jan 18 | Business planning
With only 3 months left until the end of the 2017/18 tax year, it is essential to look ahead to the next financial year. Unlike previous years, 6 April 2018 will not herald any significant changes to how your business is taxed. Nevertheless, all business owners should...
31 Aug 17 | Business planning, Pensions
It’s not beyond the stretch of the imagination to suggest most micro-business owners probably don’t have first-hand experience of managing pension schemes. With auto-enrolment now compulsory for all but a few businesses, it is imperative business owners of all...